
Ne znam koja vas je nevolja zadesila pa ste došli na ove stranice, ali kad ste već tu, dobrodošli (ili dobro došli?) na ove stranice! Ako me poznate privatno, jao si vama, a ako me znate samo preko neta, blago vama, još uvek možete da se spasete, zatvorite ovaj prozor i odete raditi neka pametnija posla.

Blog sam počeo pisati u srednjoj školi, a ispiracija su mi bili događaji iz svakodnevice srednjoškolca u Vukovaru. Na otvaranje bloga nagovorila me Vanja, poznatija kao Hippy. Nije ni svesna šta je potakla. Tada je blog bio neka vrste medija za povezivanje. Period faksa slabo sam pisao, većinom u nedostatku vremena i činjenica da su svi prešli na Facebook gde se sadržaj brzo konzumira i još brže zaboravlja. Piskarao sam na Fb u obliku dužih postova ili notesa, ali nije to to. Od srednjoškolskih dana do trenutka kuckanja ovih redova promenilo se par stvari: dobio sam 3 sede dlake na glavi. Prva je od faksa, druga od šokova ozbiljnog sveta, a treća je od starosti.

Kupio sam ovu domenu da bi napravio svoj portfolio, ali i vodio blog. Dugo je čekao da se aktivira, malo više nego što se obično čeka rođenje deteta, ali evo, rodio se! I sada svakim danom u svakom pogledu sve više napreduje.

Pisaću o svemu i svačemu jer blog smatram svojim prostorom internet slobode. Tu mogu šta god želim i tu se osećam kao dete. Odvojio sam posebne teme kao “Srbin iz Hrvatske” gde ću pisati o odrastanju u Vukovaru i suočavanju s prošlošću iz perspektive mlade osobe srpske nacionalne manjine koja je ujedno i volonter te radnik s mladima. “ŠveCka” će opisivati moj dolazak u novu zemlju, stavove i zapažanja koja se događaju unutar mene, malog Balkanca u Skandinaviji. Treća tema, “Zašto se smejem dok hodam ulicom” će obuhvatati sve one objave koje ne mogu da se svrsavaju u prethodne dve… ili bar dok se medju više njih ne pojavi nešto zajedničko što bih ih svrstalo u novu temu.

Neka vam objave ove dođu umesto blagoslova. Šta god radili, deca vam se rađala!

Where to start from?

I do not know the trouble you befell so you come to this site, but while you’re here welcome! If you know me privately, I feel sorry for you, but if you know by some wonder of Internet, good for you, you can still be saved, close this window and go do some better things.

I started to write a blog in high school, and inspiration were the events of everyday high school life in Vukovar. Vanja, known as the Hippie, persuaded me to a blog. She was not aware of what is encouraged. Back then the blog was some type of media youngsters used to connect and promote themselves. During the university days, I did not write so much, mostly because of lack of time and the fact everyone and everything switched to Facebook where content is quickly consumed and more quickly forgotten. I wrote some stories on Fb in the form of longer posts or notes, but that’s not it. From high school to the moment of tapping these lines, couple of things changed: I got 3 gray hairs in my hair. The first one is from university, second from serious shocks the world, and the third is of age.

I bought this domain in order to make a portfolio, but also to have a blog. It has been waiting a long time to be activated, a little more than you usually wait for the birth of a child, but here it is, it is born! And now every day in every way it is more advanced.

I’ll write about everything because I think my blog is space of my Internet freedom. Here I can do whatever I want and when I do that I feel like a child. I separated special themes as “A Croatian Serb” where I will write about growing up in Vukovar and dealing with the past from the perspective of a young person of the Serbian national minority who is also a volunteer and a youth worker. “Sweden stories” will describe my arrival in a new country, attitudes and observations, that occur inside me, a small man from Balkan in Scandinavia. The third theme, “Why do you laugh when I walk down the street” will include all those posts that can not be classified in the past two topics… or at least until something among them appears as common that would classify them as a new theme.

May the publication of this come to you instead of a bless. Whatever you do, you are giving birth to children!*

*Balkan saying: What ever you do, may it be good and productive for you.